
Ages of Conflict

Created by Bad Goblin Games

A universal big battle tabletop miniatures wargame! All pre-orders will also receive a pre-release PDF copy of the Ages of Conflict rules.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Facebook Group
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 03:55:24 AM

Just a reminder - if you aren't already a member of our Facebook group, please join us at 

There tends to be more discussion and back and forth within the group.

World War II Armies
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 02:04:11 AM

Quick question regarding WWII: With the understanding that developing army lists for every country involved in the war isn't a likely outcome, what are the army lists you consider "must haves" for the Allies and Axis powers?

Pre-Release 1.39 available!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 05:05:55 AM

Our third pre-release, version 1.39, is ready to go. This update includes a couple of additional army lists, various rules clarifications and corrections, lots of new art, new vehicles and vehicle rules, grammar corrections, and points for most units. 

We're waiting on a few more finished art pieces, though we believe we'll likely need one or two more to ensure the army list chapters are laid out appropriately.

The pre-release is available via our website. You'll first need to create an account at using the same email address you used for Kickstarter. Afterward you'll receive an email from us with your download link. (Please allow up to a day for us to associate your email with the download.)

If you've already registered on our website, the new version is available in your Downloads.

If you haven't yet backed, late pledges are available at .

Thank you and please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions!

almost 3 years ago – Sun, Nov 07, 2021 at 05:51:07 AM

We've been too quiet and late, though we're closer to having the book finished. We didn't properly take into account the time adding the unplanned pike & shot material would necessitate. Hopefully the added 50+ pages of material is worth the additional wait. 

We should have a new version out later today or tomorrow. We had it done, though we found a mistake in the layout and so we're fixing that and also adding in some material we've going over for a while. In short, the next version will contain the following updates: lots of new art, most items and units with points attached, new vehicles and vehicle rules, new magic items, a couple of new armies, and a host of small changes, grammar corrections, etc.

As for where we stand, we are extremely close to completion. We're working on the last of the art - filler material where we need to remove too much white space, etc. We are then going to have a few test copies printed for review. After that, we're moving forward with the final print. 

As we're close to finishing the book, we're asking for reviews of the new version, which should be out later today or tomorrow, for any last minute suggestions, corrections, etc. you all may have. 

Thank you!

New art!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Sep 03, 2021 at 11:42:58 AM

Received about a dozen new pieces today! Head over to our Facebook group to see a few samples.